![Agaves for sale [Kendall Kroesen].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1713380373999-8OJ91XA9F95QDCF9NQ37/Agaves+for+sale+%5BKendall+Kroesen%5D.jpg)
![Holly Houghton and audience [Kendall Kroesen].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1713380238476-78HQ8UPRM21C7EH0SOAX/Holly+Houghton+and+audience+%5BKendall+Kroesen%5D.jpg)

Panel Discussion: Agave’s Potential as an Agricultural Alternative
This event is free. All gifts are appreciated—they help the garden grow.
9am-10:15am: Panel: Agave’s Potential as an Agricultural Alternative - Experience a panel discussion about how agaves may make a comeback as a crop of the future. Our panel of influential experts will discuss how agave is a climate-smart crop of the future – a source of not only food and drink, but also textiles, animal feed, construction materials, fuel, and more.
Greg Barron-Gafford, Ph.D., ecologist and earth system scientist who has been building the field of 'agrivoltaics'
Valeria Cañedo, vice president of Centro de Colaboración para la Ciencia y Cultura S.C.
Fabio Trigo Raya, Ph.D., agave biotechnologist and geneticist
Yadi Wang, Ph.D., Oatman Flats Ranch and co-founder of Development of Regenerative Yields Cooperative
Moderated by Mission Garden Curator Dena Cowan
10:30am: Agave Roast with the Hualapai Tribe - Members of the Hualapai Tribe will describe their traditions and relationship to agave roasts, then open the roasting pit and share tastes with visitors. In contrast with the Hohokam agave (Agave murpheyi) that we have roasted at past events, our Hualapai guests will be demonstrating the use of Utah agave (Agave utahensis). They will also use a different style of roasting pit.
Please email abby@missiongarden.org with any questions.
This event is in conjunction with the Agave Heritage Festival. Learn more about the festival at agaveheritagefestival.com
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