Visit the Garden
Hours & Directions
946 W. Mission Lane, Tucson, Az 85745
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1228, Tucson, AZ 85702
We are open Wednesday-Saturday
During the warmer months, April through September, we are open 8am-12pm
During the cooler months, October through March, we are open 8am-2pm
Sunday through Tuesday
Jan. 1, July 4, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
Free. There is no fee to enter the garden but your gifts are appreciated. They help the garden grow!
Weather Closures:
The Garden is open rain or shine, with an exception for very severe weather! Click HERE for a weather report at Mission Garden.
Mission Garden is committed to creating a space that is accessible to all. Please call (520) 955-5200 or e-mail us info@missiongarden.org with any questions or accommodation requests.
Garden Tours
Self-Guided Tour
You can explore the garden on your own by taking a brochure at the welcome kiosk and using the map inside to navigate around the garden. Check for more information in the mesquite wood boxes that are located next to each garden plot.
Docent Led Tours
Guided tours led by docent volunteers for groups of 5 or more visitors are available. Fill out the form below to put in a request. We ask for at least 10 days notice.
We request a $10 per-person fee that you can pay at the shop before the tour.
Visitas Guiadas en Español
Tours in Spanish are available with 2 weeks lead time. Please contact us to schedule.
Se ofrecen visitas guiadas en español con cita previa. Pueden programar estas visitas por teléfono (520) 955-5200 o correo electrónico (info@missiongarden.org).
Participate in a range of classes and activities.
Throughout the garden you will discover 20 boxes that contain books and an activity related to an aspect of the garden. The Path is designed for youth of all ages and abilities and is built around K-12 educational standards. Come back again and again to explore new "stops" along the Bookworm Path and learn more about Tucson's Birthplace and its many histories.
Visit The Garden Shop
The Garden Shop carries shirts, hats, masks, books on history and gardening, and more. Trees, native shrubs and garden vegetable plants are available seasonally, and fertilizer, compost and mulch for your own garden are available year round. We also have fresh seasonal produce, dried herbs, and fresh eggs from our chickens - please visit our Instagram page for updates.
AR (Augmented Reality) Experience
Visitors will see historic images of food cultivation in the Tucson Bain and touch related objects. You will become familiar with the plants and rich food traditions of the borderlands. Watch a planting demonstration, listen to a planting song, and learn a new recipe.
Learn more about the Discovering Community in Borderlands project.
Oaxaca Tour in October 2024
Every October Mission Garden sponsors a tour to the City of Oaxaca and areas surrounding. Registration is limited. More information here.
Field Trips
Interested in bringing your class to Mission Garden? Please fill our the form below.
How was your visit to Mission Garden?
We’d love to hear about it. Your ideas and suggestions will help us improve the Garden experience!