Docent Program
Welcome to Mission Garden's docent program!
If you are interested in the docent program, please start by getting in touch with the Engagement Coordinator at (520) 955-5200 x2.
Quick link to the Docent Resources page. (Requires password.)
Meet visitors from all over the country and the world at the garden gate and tell them about Mission Garden.
Docent Greeter Shifts: The main docent responsibility is to sign up regularly for garden greeter shifts. These shifts are 2 hours long in the warm months (8-10am or 10am-noon) and 3 hours long in the cool months (8-11am or 11am-2pm). Days the garden is open are Wednesday through Saturday.
Subject Matter Experts: Specialize in and become familiar with a particular garden plot, food, era of history, crop, culture, etc., to help the rest of us learn!
Tour Leaders: Give tours of the garden to families, classes, and other groups.
Events: Be on hand, and even help plan, important events in the garden. Help with our monthly Tasting History programs.
Program Fee
The fee for new docents entering the program is $100.
Attend all docent trainings (some in person and some via Zoom)
100 hour per year commitment (including greeter shifts, tour leading, events, classes, trainings)
Read all core docent materials
Watch recorded docent classes
Learn directly from Mission Garden staff and local experts.
Access to high quality readings.
Get to know other like-minded people
A sense of accomplishment by sharing your skills and knowledge with others
Receive a 10% discount for classes and workshops.

![Pomegranate fruit in basket on scale [Kendall Kroesen].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1629408024349-NP6Q7W0U1KPNAOZ30NO7/Pomegranate+fruit+in+basket+on+scale+%5BKendall+Kroesen%5D.jpg)

Monthly Time Commitments
2024 Docent Class Schedule - Will be updated with the next docent program
Some meetings will be done via Zoom and some will be in person at Mission Garden. For the Zoom meetings, the link will always be the same for all Zoom gatherings (classes and book club). I will send out reminders about these meetings, which will contain the Zoom link. Meetings will involve presentations or conversations with current staff members and docents. There will be supplemental educational activities for docents beyond those scheduled here.
I have also noted optional events during the training period that are not strictly part of the training, but which are great opportunities to learn more!
Tuesday January 30, 8:00-9:30am, via Zoom
Introduction to Mission Garden and the docent program--Kendall
Saturday February 3, 10:30am-12:00pm, in person
Getting to know each other and a tour of part of the garden--Kendall
Tuesday February 6, 8:00-9:30am, via Zoom
Introduction to organizational structure--Alyce Sadongei
OPTIONAL: Thursday February 8, 8-9:30am, Bird Walk
Our monthly 2nd-Thursday birding opportunity--Kendall.
Thursday February 8, 9:30-11:00am, in person
Conversation & tour of Native American Gardens--Kendall & Maegan
OPTIONAL: Friday and Saturday February 9 & 10, 9-11am, Tasting History
Our monthly interpretation of a crop or a group of related crops.
OPTIONAL: Tuesday February 13, 10am-noon
Tour for docents of the Valencia Hohokam Site
Docent Bonnie Bray arranges monthly educational tours for docents. Contact her to sign up at bonnie.bray2@gmail.com.
Friday February 16, 2:30pm-4:00pm, in person
Conversation with Emily Rockey and a tour of part of the garden.
OPTIONAL: Saturday February 17, 8:00-10:00am
Traditional O’odham Agriculture
Our monthly educational activity about O'odham agriculture.
Tuesday February 20, 8:00-9:30am, via Zoom
Mission Garden Educational Outreach--Dena Cowan & Abby Rhinehart
Thursday February 22, 12:30-2:00pm, in person
Conversation and tour of part of the garden.
OPTIONAL: Saturday February 24, 8:00am-1:00pm
Archaeology Day in Youth Garden
Monthly 4th Saturday Hands-on Archaeology in Youth Garden
OPTIONAL: Tuesday Feb. 27, 8:00-9:30am, Docent Book Club
Book: The Desert Smells Like Rain, by Gary Nabhan
Saturday March 2, 10:30am-12:00pm, in person
Conversation & tour of part of the garden.
Tuesday March 5, 8:00-9:30am, via Zoom
Topic TBD.
Friday March 8, 12:30-2pm, in person
Conversation and tour of part of the garden.
Read Docent Program Resources
We have a passworded page on our website just for docents.* You can access it here. It contains important resources for docents, and we'll be adding more as time goes on.
*Please contact the Engagement Coordinator for the password once you have entered docent training.
Recorded Docent Classes
Please review the recorded Zoom Docent Classes (on the password protected page for docents) from previous years, especially if you are new. These provide invaluable background information on local history and agriculture. Links to recorded docent classes are found in the box to the right.
📚 Mission Garden Book Club - Docent will receive notice of meeting dates/times (generally Tuesday 8am)
The book club is optional for docents, but many participate, and the books that we read are always on topics relevant to Mission Garden.

Additional questions? Ready to get started as a docent?
Please contact Claire Hong at (520) 955-5200 x2 or claire@missiongarden.org.