Home Gardening:
A workshop for Mission Garden neighbors

October 28th, 2023, 9am to 12pm
At Mission Garden, 946 W Mission Ln, Tucson, AZ 85745
Open to neighbors of Mission Garden

The gardening workshop will touch on the basics of growing organic food in small gardens in Tucson. 

Some of the workshop will be hands-on and experiential (observing crops and methods up close, planting seeds, tasting seasonal fruits...)

Topics will include:

  • site selection

  • soil preparation and amendments

  • garden design and planning

  • useful tools

  • heritage crops (what grows well here)

  • how to acquire seeds and starts

  • planting seasons

  • crop rotations

  • protecting your plants and managing pests

  • seed-saving, and more

Refreshments will be provided, and participants will be able to take home some heirloom seeds from Mission Garden.

Funding provided by
The Jane E. Smith Fund and the John M. Doe Fund
held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona

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