Internship Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in becoming an intern at Mission Garden. Please read the information below then scroll down to complete and submit the form request.
About Us
Mission Garden is a living agricultural museum of Sonoran Desert-adapted heritage fruit trees, traditional local heirloom crops and edible native plants. You can learn more about the garden by exploring this website, especially the Virtual Tour.
Internship Timing
Mission Garden recruits interns mainly at the beginning of the academic year for fall semester, or for fall and spring semesters combined. (We usually don't consider interns for the spring semester only.) We also welcome applications from summer internships.
Academic Level and Credits
Interns may be high school, undergraduate, or graduate students. If your academic program can give academic credit for internships, we can comply with the requirements to get you credit.
Areas of Learning
Interns typically learn practical aspects of gardening through participation in gardening tasks such as soil preparation, mulching, planting, weeding, irrigating, harvesting, and seed saving. Interns also can learn about the crops that grow here, our local history, and the different eras of multicultural agriculture here for thousands of years. Also opportunities may be available to help with clerical and administrative tasks, interpretive tasks, kitchen work, and event support.
Please apply for internships with plenty of lead time so that we have time to consider your application, contact you, and make a final decision. Also, we get many requests for internships and can only accept a few, so applying early is a good idea.

Internship Inquiry Form