About the Garden
Current weather at Mission Garden
Mission Garden Essential Facts (document developed for Mission Garden docents summarizing all aspects of the garden and its history)
Educational and fun videos are on our YouTube Channel.
Mission Garden Educational Video made by Pima College (54 min.)
Some of the Flowers of Cultivated Plants at Mission Garden
Native American Crops
Centuries after their loss and theft, Native American seeds are reuniting with their tribes
In Search of Prehistoric Potatoes (Solanum jamesii in the US Southwest)
Little Barley, a new ancient crop at Mission Garden
Regional and World Crops
Local and Regional
Prehistoric and Early Historic Food Crop Diversity: Nourishing Tucson, a UNESCO City of Gastronomy, Gary Paul Nabhan and Julia Glennon, Eds.
What the Ancestors Ate–Some local weeds that were important food sources, from a September 2015 Tumamoc Sketchbook blog post
Photographic Tour of some local ancient foods–Arizona Daily Star
Oranges for Southern Arizona (University of Arizona Cooperative Extension)
Chapalote Corn and White Sonora Wheat
World Crops
Food Timeline–One effort at documenting the origin dates and earliest recipes for many crops
Sonoran Desert Cuisine
Resources for Children
Celebration of Gardens
The Garden Remains–Baron Wormser, Orion Magazine
Tucson Meet Yourself (virtual) discusses Native American pottery
History & Archaeology
Archaeology Southwest virtual reconstruction of early Tucson
The Spanish Colonial Experience and its Effects on the Indigenous Community of San Agustin del Tucson: A Case Study of Spanish Colonial Failure. Masters Thesis by Monica Zappia Young. 2010.
Menlo Park Neighborhood History by Greg Smith (an extensive history of the neighborhood that contains Mission Garden)
History of Honey Bees in America (Los Angeles County Beekeepers Association document)
Flora and Fauna
Flora of the Tucson Mountains (adjacent to Mission Garden)
Regional Analysis and Vision
Man in the Maze: A short documentary video about restoring the southern Arizona food system selected as a finalist at Sundance Film Festival
Mesquite Manifesto: A Collaborative Vision for the Borderland, by Gary Nabhan