Fig Workshop w/ Martha Burgess (Recorded Video 1 hr, 22 mins), $25
This accessible video class is a great way to learn about the figs that can be grown here in Tucson and the greater Sonoran Desert. Recorded at Mission Garden during figs' active bloom and fruiting times, ethnobotanist Martha Burgess walks around Mission Garden and explores the botanical characteristics of several varieties of figs found at the garden. Then the video shifts to the Mission Garden kitchen where she describes differences in fig fruit between the varieties, nutritional aspects of figs, and culinary uses.
You will learn
-How to identify Mission Garden fig varieties by their botanical characteristics
-How and when to harvest the fruit
-A variety of ways of preparing them—both traditional and creative
With registration you will receive, via email:
-A link to the workshop video that will remain active for one month
-Informational materials and Martha's fig recipes.
Sign up for this innovative course to broaden your appreciation of the place of figs in nature and local agricultural history, their amazing nutrition, and then start preparing your own fig dishes!