![Seed Swap May 2023 02 [Katya Peterson].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1712860742994-URJFYUZJNZ602H74GXR8/Seed+Swap+May+2023+02+%5BKatya+Peterson%5D.jpg)

![Seed Swap May 2023 Tom Egelhoff, Maegan Lopez, Molly McKasson [Katya Peterson].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1712860742626-OUNI8ECYJL93ILMU9QAK/Seed+Swap+May+2023+Tom+Egelhoff%2C+Maegan+Lopez%2C+Molly+McKasson+%5BKatya+Peterson%5D.jpg)

![Mission Garden seed library 01 [Kendall Kroesen].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1711496002945-ERNCH0AFAOBX37BACOSO/Mission+Garden+seed+library+01+%5BKendall+Kroesen%5D.jpg)
![Seed Swap May 2023 01 [Katya Peterson].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1712860757909-NAZXKQ7AILMM7CL3RKXU/Seed+Swap+May+2023+01+%5BKatya+Peterson%5D.jpg)
![Mission Garden seed library 02 [Kendall Kroesen].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa2ed2c280a5a377d72bafd/1711496002351-UBZ03XZN238UDGE3R8H1/Mission+Garden+seed+library+02+%5BKendall+Kroesen%5D.jpg)
Heritage Seed Swap at Mission Garden
Mission Garden is hosting a seed swap in collaboration with the Pima County Public Library’s Seed Library. Both the Seed Library and Mission Garden will be giving away seeds. You can also bring your own seeds to swap, especially if you have heirloom seeds grown in our region, and exchange them for something new!
Saturday April 27, 2024, 8am-11:00am
Free and open to the public. All gifts are appreciated—they help the garden grow.
Mission Garden is hosting this Seed Swap in collaboration with the Pima County Seed Library.
Mission Garden will donate heirloom seeds grown at Mission Garden to the Pima County Seed Library as well as give away seeds to visitors attending the event. The Seed Library will also share seeds and stories.
Event FAQ:
Got special local heirloom seeds you want to share?
We encourage you to bring your own local heirloom seeds to share with Mission Garden and with other gardeners.
What kinds of seeds should you share?
Mission Garden grows local heirlooms from seeds and cuttings of food crops that have been cultivated in this region for generations. We do this to preserve locally adapted legacy varieties, and share them with the community.
Bringing seeds to swap?
Please label to preserve the stories!
Label the seed packets with the following:
Name of variety.
Your name and contact information
Date and place the seeds were harvested
Share event & RSVP on Facebook
Please reach out with additional questions to Dena Cowan, Mission Garden Curator of Collections at dena@missiongarden.org
Learn More